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Animal Crossing Wii Iso Ita

An open-ended game, New Leaf follows a player-controlled human living in a town populated with animals and performing various tasks, such as interacting with characters and collecting items. Like all games in the Animal Crossing series, the game is synced to the system clock, which affects the gameplay based on the current time and day. New to New Leaf is the player taking on the role of mayor of the town, having more control over it than in previous games.

Animal Crossing Wii Iso Ita

Like all Animal Crossing games, New Leaf is an open-ended game where the player takes the role of a human moving into a town of animals. Tasks the player can partake in include socializing with villagers, collecting items, catching fish or bugs, and paying off their home loan. The game takes place in real-time, meaning the in-game time of day and year matches that of the Nintendo 3DS. The time of day and year affects aspects of gameplay such as whether or not shops are open or villagers are awake, seasonal events, and the availability of certain fish, bugs, and items. Up to four players can live in a town, with each one having their own house.

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